Planning for mobile is required as there are spacing and interface boundaries to be mindful of.
This video is fully conformed to work on all devices regardless of the content provider. Oh, and it MUST be under a minute...the whole point of 'SHORTS'.
I phone video credit: Carla Axtman, SOS
This 3 video reel set offers a simple but cautionary message supported by uplifting music. It was then edited for a Spanish-reading audience.
Music Credits: pixabay.com - Video Credits: pexels.com

The message of Make it Holy is perfectly given in this short presentation authored in Adobe Animate + Illustrator. https://www.makeitholy.com
This slide deck lyric presentation was authored in PowerPoint 365 + Vegas. The lyric "My heart's one desire - to be holy" is close to my heart (actually tattooed on my arm). Track written and performed by Brian Doerksen (used by permission).
NOTE: Some mobile browsers do not support sound in Adobe Portfolio. If you do not hear the music please open this YouTube link https://youtu.be/l6jLoYTabUc
This project was authored in PowerPoint for a company presentation, and repurposed segments of the catalog and industry-wide marketing I had created under contract.

To better inform the homebuyers market on the advantages of energy efficiency, I created these videos and promoted them on social channels including YouTube and Facebook. All videography, graphics, script writing, effects, and Vegas editing was mine to do.
Thanks to Envato for the stock footage segment and to Christy Bowen for the voice talent.
Why? Because there is nothing quite as sweet as ‘Fortunate Cookies’ with the promises of God inside!